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FDA Compliance for LIMS

FDA Compliance for ELNs and LIMS in Pharmaceutical Labs


Electronic Laboratory Notebooks (ELNs) and Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) are essential tools in modern FDA pharmaceutical labs. These systems streamline data management, enhance efficiency, and ensure compliance with stringent regulatory standards set by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This article delves into the key aspects of FDA compliance for ELNs and LIMS, emphasizing the importance of maintaining auditable trails, robust security, accurate reporting, and system validation.

21 CRF Part 11 Compliance Requirements

  1. Auditable Trails and Security
    One of the foundational requirements for FDA compliance is the ability to maintain a comprehensive auditable trail. ELNs and LIMS must record all data changes, including who made the changes and when. Resilient security features are crucial to prevent unauthorized access and ensure data integrity. Advanced encryption and user authentication protocols are necessary to safeguard sensitive information.
  2. Accurate Reporting
    ELNs and LIMS must generate reports that meet FDA’s strict reporting standards, such as 21 CFR Part 11 and electronic records/electronic signatures (ERES). These reports should be accurate, reliable, and in the required formats to ensure regulatory compliance.
  3. System Validation
    Regular validation of ELNs and LIMS is essential to confirm that the systems operate correctly. This includes ongoing testing and maintenance to promptly identify and resolve any issues. Validation ensures that the systems consistently produce reliable and accurate data, a critical aspect of FDA compliance.

SciCord ELN: Ensuring Compliance
SciCord ELN is designed to help pharmaceutical labs maintain FDA 21 CFR Part 11 compliance. Key features of SciCord ELN include:

  • Secure and Auditable Records: Advanced encryption and security protocols protect data, while the platform tracks and records all user actions.
  • Electronic Signatures and Approvals: Digital signatures and an easy review and approval process ensure data integrity.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Powerful search and filter tools, customizable workspaces, and detailed documentation support compliance and enhance the user experience.

Complying with FDA regulations is crucial for the pharmaceutical industry. ELNs and LIMS, like SciCord ELN, provide the tools necessary to meet these requirements. By ensuring auditable trails, advanced security, accurate reporting, and regular validation, pharmaceutical labs can maintain compliance and ensure the safety and efficacy of their products.



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Don’t take our word for it.
We exceed our client’s demands everyday to make their research and discovery process simpler and more efficient.

This is by far the best value in science software (or anything else in science, really) that we’ve ever experienced. Other solutions in this price range had a fraction of the features, and those with the features cost 3x – 10x more. We’re very happy customers.

Josh Guyer,
Senior Pharmaceutical Scientist


Streamlining Laboratory Workflows with SciCord

Streamlining Laboratory Workflows with SciCord’s Informatics Platform

Streamlining Laboratory workflows

In today’s fast-paced scientific landscape, laboratories face mounting pressures to streamline operations and boost efficiency, especially in large research institutions managing numerous concurrent projects with limited resources. These requirements necessitate the adoption of advanced Informatics Platforms like SciCord to effectively address these challenges.

By providing a secure and intuitive platform, SciCord facilitates the seamless transition from traditional paper-based methods to digital data management, enhancing operational agility without disrupting ongoing projects. This transformation not only minimizes the administrative burden associated with manual record-keeping but also ensures data accuracy and accessibility across diverse research endeavors.

How SciCord’s Informatics Platform Can Improve Lab Efficiency

SciCord’s Informatics Platform stands out as a versatile solution designed to enhance laboratory efficiency and data management. Its secure and intuitive interface modernize laboratory workflows, enabling researchers to manage and analyze data effectively.

One of the platform’s hallmark features is its capability to automate repetitive tasks effectively. Researchers can create customizable templates for digital notebooks, ensuring consistent data capture in standardized formats. This automation not only saves time but also minimizes errors that often accompany manual data entry. Moreover, SciCord supports data exportation in various formats, facilitating integration with other software tools and analytical platforms, thus enhancing the versatility of data utilization.

Another advantage of SciCord’s platform is its system for data organization and accessibility. Unlike conventional paper-based systems prone to inefficiencies in data retrieval and analysis, SciCord enables researchers to easily search and retrieve data using keywords and parameters. This capability not only boosts productivity but also promotes real-time collaboration among team members, enabling consistent project coordination and data analysis.

In terms of data security and regulatory compliance, SciCord provides a secure cloud-based storage solution. This protects data against risks such as loss, theft, or physical damage inherent in traditional paper records. Furthermore, the platform adheres to stringent regulatory standards like FDA 21 CFR Part 11 and GxP protocols, ensuring its suitability for deployment in highly regulated industries such as pharmaceuticals.

Optimizing Laboratory Operations

SciCord’s Informatics Platform empowers laboratories to optimize operations through streamlined workflows, enhanced data management capabilities, and robust security measures. By leveraging these advanced functionalities, researchers can focus more on scientific endeavors while confidently managing and utilizing their research data efficiently.

The platform’s automation features are particularly beneficial – by automating routine tasks such as data entry and report generation, SciCord significantly reduces the time and effort researchers spend on administrative duties. This not only improves overall efficiency but also allows scientists to allocate more time to core research activities, accelerating the pace of scientific discovery.

SciCord enhances collaboration within research teams and across institutions. Its intuitive user interface and cloud-based accessibility enable researchers to share data seamlessly, collaborate on projects in real-time, and facilitate interdisciplinary research efforts. This collaborative environment not only enhances communication but also fosters innovation by leveraging diverse expertise and perspectives.

Enhanced Data Management and Accessibility

Central to SciCord’s effectiveness is its resilient data management capabilities. Unlike traditional paper-based methods that often result in fragmented data storage and limited accessibility, SciCord ensures centralized data storage and easy retrieval. Researchers can organize and categorize data using customizable tags and keywords, making it effortless to locate specific information needed for analysis or compliance purposes.

SciCord supports data integration with a wide range of laboratory instruments and analytical tools. This integration allows researchers to capture data directly from instruments, ensuring accuracy and reliability in data acquisition. The platform’s compatibility with various file formats and APIs further enhances its utility, enabling researchers to leverage existing software tools and easily integrate SciCord into their workflow ecosystems.

Data Security and Compliance

In regulated industries such as pharmaceuticals, data security and compliance are paramount concerns. SciCord addresses these challenges by providing a secure cloud-based environment that adheres to industry regulations and standards. All data stored in SciCord is encrypted and backed up regularly, ensuring data integrity and continuity even in the event of unforeseen disruptions.

Streamline your Lab’s Work Processes

In conclusion, SciCord’s Informatics Platform emerges as a crucial asset for laboratories aiming to optimize workflows and enhance efficiency. By automating repetitive tasks and offering intuitive data capture tools, SciCord simplifies the transition from traditional to digital record-keeping, thereby saving valuable time and minimizing errors. The platform’s sturdy capabilities extend to improving data organization and accessibility, empowering researchers to swiftly retrieve and analyze information critical to their projects.

SciCord prioritizes data security with its secure cloud-based storage solutions, ensuring compliance with stringent regulatory standards such as FDA 21 CFR Part 11 and GxP protocols. This feature not only safeguards valuable research data but also mitigates risks associated with physical record-keeping methods.



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What Our
Users Say

Don’t take our word for it.
We exceed our client’s demands everyday to make their research and discovery process simpler and more efficient.

This is by far the best value in science software (or anything else in science, really) that we’ve ever experienced. Other solutions in this price range had a fraction of the features, and those with the features cost 3x – 10x more. We’re very happy customers.

Josh Guyer,
Senior Pharmaceutical Scientist


Transitioning Your Lab from Paper Notebooks to an ELN

Transitioning Your Lab from Paper Notebooks to an ELN

Transitioning Your Lab from Paper Notebooks to an ELN

For centuries paper notebooks have been integral tools for scientists who laboriously and carefully recorded specific details of their research and experiments.

That picture began to change in the 1990s with the development of the ELN (electronic lab notebook.) An ELN is a digital version of the traditional lab notebook. Like a paper notebook, it documents the who, what, when, where, how, and why of daily activities in the lab.

This article explains the benefits of a paperless lab, identifies the hurdles researchers face in implementing an ELN, and addresses the keys to a successful transition from paper notebooks to an ELN.

Why should your lab transition from paper notebooks to an ELN?

Two essentials of scientific discovery are 1) reliable data in a format that’s accessible and easy-to-use and 2) time efficiencies that help researchers get critical products to market in a timely fashion. An ELN surpasses paper notebooks in the ability to provide both of these critical elements.

Enhanced data quality

An ELN’s collection, retrieval, and analysis features help scientists generate data that is:

In a perfect world, lab notes would always be written neatly. They’d never have anything spilled on them. They would be stored securely, protected from moisture, aging, and disasters like fires and floods.

Unfortunately, even the most meticulous laboratory environment isn’t perfect. Some notes are legible only to the scientist who wrote them. Accidents happen. Occasionally, disaster strikes.

The result is that a percentage of notes are unusable. Scientists may disagree over how widespread the problem is, but they concur that not all hand-written lab notes are legible.

Extremely precise formulas can be solved instantly, accurately, and repeatedly, regardless of the researcher who performs the calculations. The system incorporates date and time stamps as well as user identification to verify who did what.
A growing number of ELNs–including the hybrid SciCord ELN/LIMS–also utilize a spreadsheet format. With a spreadsheet, researchers can enter one–or hundreds–of formulas that automatically calculate data entered into the cell. This feature reduces entry errors and saves time for scientists and reviewers.

Accessible and Retrievable
Accessing and retrieving information stored in paper notebooks can be a nightmare, especially if the data is stored off-site. Rifling through dozens–or hundreds–of notebooks takes time, even if items are stored carefully and consistently. Locating the exact page with the specific details requires more time. The process can be tedious and time-consuming, even when all team members follow protocols precisely.

Using a search function, an ELN allows you to quickly access mountains of data and retrieve the precise information needed.

You have everything in one place; you can easily search through your data using keywords, and you can find all your data instantly.”

Jana Erjavec, Ph.D., on SciCord ELN/LIMS

In addition to standard search functionality of sample and document descriptions, some ELNs (including SciCord ELN/LIMS) support definition of data attributes and incorporate filtering on a much more granular level.

Scientists working on projects that utilize the same data can share their insights and results with others without sacrificing control or having their data compromised. ELN security protocols limit access to the data and restrict–or deny– data manipulation.

The shareable feature also mitigates difficulties that arise when a researcher gets sick, takes a vacation, retires, or leaves the lab to work elsewhere. Work that relies upon that person’s data isn’t delayed or halted altogether.

Transition from paper notebooks to an ELN to easily share data amongst users in the lab.

While no ELN can guarantee 100% security, electronic notebook systems provide superior data protection compared to paper notebooks. Unlike paper notebooks, an ELN offers safety measures that include layered passwords, encryption, replication, regular data backup, and–often–multiple storage locations.

Time efficiencies

The adage– “Time is Money” –is true, particularly in the pharmaceutical industry where, according to a study completed in 2020, “the median cost of getting a new drug into the market was $985 million, and the average cost was $1.3 billion.”

Those statistics make a strong case for transitioning to an ELN. A survey by SciNote asserts that, “On average, researchers save 9 hours per week by using an ELN, while doing the same amount of work!” Thus, with a 40-hour work week and a 50-week work year, researchers would finish the year’s planned activities halfway through week 39.

Time savings accrue in virtually every part of the lab–data entry, search, and retrieval; calculations and statistics; inventory control and labeling; and documentation and reports. These efficiencies allow researchers to accomplish more with an ELN than they could without one.

What hurdles will you face as you transition your lab from paper notebooks to an ELN?

An ELN provides solutions for some of the most pressing issues facing labs today. However, utilization remains low.

Less than 10% of researchers are using an electronic lab notebook today.”

Dr. Simon Bungers
From LabFolder

Why is that? Here are the difficulties scientists frequently mention:

No pressing need to change

Many labs don’t see the need to change, even though they know that technology has affected virtually every other aspect of scientific discovery. It’s not just that paper notebooks have been the status quo for centuries. Some scientists suspect that ELN systems may cause bigger problems than they solve.

Worries about decreased control and security

When ELNs first hit the market, researchers in virtually every field questioned the wisdom of releasing control of their data. They knew the shortcomings posed by paper notebooks but still felt that their data was safer when they controlled where it went and who accessed it.

That feeling has shifted a bit, but some scientists–especially those who meticulously follow data safety protocols and adhere to GLP (Good Laboratory Practices)–are still reluctant to trust an ELN.

Complexity of learning and using an ELN

Since laboratory science is a complex world of testing and discovery, it demands attention to detail and intense focus. Some scientists worry that an ELN will add an unnecessary level of complexity that will muddle or derail their professional focus and lead to costly errors.


Each ELN is tailored to the lab that uses it. Therefore, there’s no accurate estimate of the cost to implement an “average” ELN for an “average” lab. The cost varies based upon the number of users, the scale of the lab’s required services, and whether the ELN is hosted or located on-premise.

The initial cash outlay to install and coordinate the hardware and software needs of an ELN deters some labs from making the switch. Decision-makers also need to account for the subscription cost of a hosted ELN or the required hardware upgrades for an ELN that’s located on the premises.

What are the keys to successfully transitioning from paper notebooks to an ELN?

Key person(s) to facilitate the process

Successful transitioning from paper notebooks won’t happen without one or more people from your lab who facilitate the process by:

  1. Determining and communicating the benefits of transitioning. What specific problem areas will the ELN address? How will this help everyone in the lab?
  2. Setting the timeframe of the transition. What schedule will be optimal? How long will the process–realistically–take? When will the ELN feel like a valuable asset rather than a liability?
  3. Interfacing with the provider. The facilitator must be able to field questions from the researchers and provide answers promptly.

A mindset that accepts the change as a transition, not a fixed-point change

Implementing any systemic change takes time. Virtually everyone in the lab will have to transition both mentally and physically.

A transition team composed of personnel from the lab and the ELN will be integral to the process of tactfully and skillfully guiding researchers as they learn the nuances of the software and how to adhere to GLP while using it.

Appropriate timing

In a busy lab, there will never be a perfect moment to switch from paper notebooks to an ELN. Research and experiments that are already in progress will be disrupted. Everyone’s productivity will dip briefly while he or she acclimates to the ELN.

However, given the financial benefits of implementing an ELN, waiting for the perfect moment could be very costly, both in terms of the rate of getting drugs on the market and in the additional ROI the lab could generate with an efficient ELN. Unless the lab is facing a crisis, the best time to transition to an ELN is now.

An excellent ELN provider

An excellent ELN provider for your lab is the one that meets your needs and supports you during and after the transition. As you choose a provider, ask these questions:

  1. Is their ELN easy to integrate and use?
  2. Does this provider have feedback from satisfied customers who appreciate their software–and their service?
  3. Do they offer a demo to help you get a true feel for their software?
  4. What type of hosting do they provide?
  5. How do they help a customer safely and quickly transition from paper notebooks to an ELN?

SciCord is a hybrid ELN/LIMS, featuring a spreadsheet paradigm, that combines the compliance and structured aspects of a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) with the flexibility of an Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN). The ELN and LIMS functions integrate seamlessly and enable your company to quickly reap the benefits of enhanced data and time efficiencies as you continue to meet compliance standards and follow GLP.




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What Our
Users Say

Don’t take our word for it.
We exceed our client’s demands everyday to make their research and discovery process simpler and more efficient.

This is by far the best value in science software (or anything else in science, really) that we’ve ever experienced. Other solutions in this price range had a fraction of the features, and those with the features cost 3x – 10x more. We’re very happy customers.

Josh Guyer,
Senior Pharmaceutical Scientist


Choose the Right ELN for Your Lab

Choosing the Right ELN for Your Lab:

Navigating the Diverse Needs of Scientific Research

Tailoring ELN Solutions to Diverse Scientific Needs

The pharmaceutical industry has historically identified ‘the best” ELN vendor and then force-fit that solution across all organization functions.  There were practical reasons for this practice:

  • Single system to implement/manage/validate.
  • Leverage the relationship with a single software vendor
  • Common knowledge of application allows for easy migration of employees within company
  • One organizational data source to facilitate data mining

However, organizations have also discovered that there are significant costs with the one size fits all approach:

  • Coordination amongst various groups within company – whose priorities matter most?
  • How can we squeeze everyone’s requirements into a single application?
  • Time and cost to customize.
  • Scientist dissatisfaction.
  • Performance?

Although Electronic Laboratory Notebooks (ELNs) are considered general-purpose tools, each has its own strengths and weaknesses. The scientific community is incredibly diverse, encompassing a wide range of disciplines such as Biology, Small Molecule Chemistry, Inhaled Pharmaceuticals, and Dermal applications. Each of these areas has unique requirements and workflows, and what works well for one might be entirely unsuitable for another.

Moreover, the different phases of scientific work—research, development, and manufacturing—each have distinct needs. Research activities are typically more exploratory and flexible, requiring ELNs that support a high degree of customization and novel data types. Development activities, on the other hand, demand more structured and rigorous documentation to comply with regulatory standards and to ensure reproducibility. Manufacturing phases prioritize efficiency, scalability, and integration with other enterprise systems. ELN designers cannot possibly be experts in all these diverse fields and phases, so they tend to focus their designs on specific communities to better meet their specialized needs.

For example, a research-oriented ELN might offer advanced data analysis tools and flexible entry formats to accommodate the unpredictable nature of early-stage experiments. However, this same flexibility can become a liability in a development setting, where standardized processes and stringent documentation are critical. Forcing such a research-oriented application into a development organization can lead to significant issues: workflows might become cumbersome, compliance risks could increase, and scientists may experience frustration due to the system not aligning with their precise needs. This misalignment not only hampers productivity but can also lead to costly errors and inefficiencies.

SaaS has changed the ELN paradigm

The advent of SaaS (Software as a Service) Electronic Laboratory Notebook offerings has disrupted the conventional single ELN vendor implementation.  SaaS eliminates many of the barriers to ELN implementation which drove the need for a single vendor solution.

  • No infrastructure – no hardware or IT knowledge transfer
  • Solution is managed by the vendor
  • Solutions can include a complete validation package
  • Implementations in days not months.
  • Data Mart slots into the organization data framework

The Plug and Play nature of SaaS ELN solutions can be liberating!  Organizations are now free to consider the benefits to be derived from implementing the best solution for a functional group.

  • The ELN can “speak” the language of the specific community group with targeted structure, calculations, and reports.
  • Requires minimal configuration or customization. Scientists are not well known for defining “good” requirements.  Just skip this source of implementation failure.
  • Instrument interface can often be provided out of the box.
  • The vendor is more likely to extend the product to support the specific community.
  • Individual functional groups can have more “control”, implementing and operating at their own pace.


While ELNs are versatile tools, their effectiveness is maximized when they are tailored to the specific demands of the scientific discipline and phase they are intended to support. A one-size-fits-all approach often fails to deliver the nuanced functionality required across different scientific domains and stages of work, leading to suboptimal outcomes and user dissatisfaction. Therefore, it is crucial for organizations to select ELNs that are purpose-built for their specific needs, ensuring that each function within the organization can operate at its highest potential.



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What Our
Users Say

Don’t take our word for it.
We exceed our client’s demands everyday to make their research and discovery process simpler and more efficient.

This is by far the best value in science software (or anything else in science, really) that we’ve ever experienced. Other solutions in this price range had a fraction of the features, and those with the features cost 3x – 10x more. We’re very happy customers.

Josh Guyer,
Senior Pharmaceutical Scientist


How the SciCord Platform Can Ease Your Transition to a Compliant Software Solution

How the SciCord Platform Can Ease Your Transition to a Compliant Software Solution


SciCord will develop robust and reliable software templates that not only meet our customers’ current requirements but also adapt to future needs and challenges effectively. Regular evaluation and improvement based on testing outcomes and user feedback are key to maintaining high standards of quality and usability. Transitioning software compliantly involves several key steps to ensure a smooth and effective process:

  • Data Migration and Management
  • Testing and Validation
  • Training and Documentation
  • Compliance Audits and Reviews

What it means to be FDA Compliant:

When it comes to pharmaceutical computer software assurance, the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) focuses on ensuring that software used in pharmaceutical manufacturing, testing, and distribution meets certain standards of quality, reliability, and regulatory compliance. Here are some key aspects of FDA pharmaceutical computer software assurance:

  1. Current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP): Pharmaceutical manufacturers must adhere to cGMP regulations, which include requirements for the control and documentation of software used in manufacturing processes. This ensures that software-related activities, such as batch records, electronic signatures, and process controls, meet regulatory standards.
  2. Data Integrity: The FDA emphasizes the importance of data integrity in pharmaceutical software systems. This includes ensuring that data generated, processed, and stored by software systems are accurate, dependable, and attributable throughout their lifecycle.
  3. Validation: Pharmaceutical companies are required to validate computer software used in GMP activities to demonstrate that it performs as intended, meets user requirements, and complies with regulatory requirements. This validation process typically includes installation qualification (IQ), operational qualification (OQ), and performance qualification (PQ).
  4. Electronic Records and Signatures: Software systems that handle electronic records and electronic signatures (ERES) must comply with FDA regulations outlined in 21 CFR Part 11. This includes requirements for system validation, audit trails, data security, and controls to prevent unauthorized access or modifications.
  5. Risk Management: Like medical devices, pharmaceutical software systems must undergo risk management processes to identify and mitigate potential risks associated with software failures, data integrity issues, and regulatory non-compliance.

Overall, FDA pharmaceutical computer software assurance aims to ensure the reliability, security, and regulatory compliance of software systems used in pharmaceutical manufacturing, testing, distribution, and other related activities. Pharmaceutical companies must implement and maintain effective software assurance practices to ensure product quality and patient safety. This is where the SciCord Platform team can help ease your transition to a validated environment.

The SciCord Platform Path to Compliance

Define the Purpose and Scope

Identify Use Cases

Use cases help determine the specific scenarios and involves understanding the target audience and their requirements.


Our team works together with you, our customer, in defining the functionalities, features, and components that the template will include. This helps in setting clear boundaries for what the template will deliver. Here are key aspects to consider:

  • Core Functionalities: Identify the essential features that the template must provide for the customers’ needs.

  • Optional Features: Determine additional functionalities that can be optionally included or configured based on specific project needs. Examples include email notifications, file uploads, role-based access control, etc.
  • Documentation: Plan for comprehensive documentation that explains how to use the template, configure it, and extend its functionalities.

By thoroughly defining use cases and scoping the template’s functionalities, SciCord can ensure that the template meets the specific needs of its intended users effectively and efficiently. This approach also helps in managing expectations and providing clarity during the development and deployment phases.

Template Content Development

This involves working closely with the customer and designing templates that effectively perform the duties that are set by the user requirements. This requires customer feedback to ensure that the template/s aesthetic and functionality match the customer requirements.

Testing and Validation

By following a structured approach to testing, including thorough validation, risk assessment, and adherence to requirements, SciCord can ensure that the software template is robust, dependable, and meets the needs of its intended users effectively. Regular updates and maintenance based on feedback and new requirements will further enhance its usability and reliability over time.

The SciCord team is well versed in Installation Qualification (IQ), Operational Qualification (OQ), and Performance Qualification (PQ), which are validation protocols used in various industries, especially pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and medical devices. Here is a brief overview of each:

  1. Installation Qualification (IQ):
    • IQ ensures that equipment or systems are installed correctly and according to their specifications.
    • It verifies that all components are delivered as designed and specified, and that they are installed in the intended environment.

  1. Operational Qualification (OQ):
    • OQ verifies that the equipment or system operates as intended throughout all anticipated operating ranges.
    • It ensures that the equipment functions correctly when subjected to specified operating conditions, such as upper and lower limits of operational parameters.

  1. Performance Qualification (PQ):
    • PQ demonstrates that the equipment or system consistently performs according to predefined criteria over an extended period, typically using actual product or process materials.
    • It verifies that the equipment, when used in routine production or operation, produces consistent results within specified limits.

These protocols are crucial for ensuring that equipment, systems, and processes meet quality standards and regulatory requirements before they are used in production or other critical applications. Constant communication with all stakeholders involved is crucial to successful implementation.

Documentation Included for a Validated Environment

Creating documentation for a validated software environment is crucial to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and to maintain the integrity of the validated state. SciCord can create thorough documentation for a validated software environment that meets regulatory standards and supports ongoing compliance efforts.


  • Technical Installation Plan: Document the installation
  • Technical Installation  Report: Record any issues encountered during installation, including their impact, steps to reproduce, and resolutions.

Risk Assessment

  • Identify Risks: Evaluate potential risks associated with using the template and apply risk level assessment.
  • Mitigation: Develop strategies to mitigate identified risks, conducting thorough testing, or providing clear documentation.


  • Functional Requirements: Ensure the template meets all specified functional requirements.

Summary Report

  • Testing Results: Summarize the outcomes of testing, including any incidents  found, their severity, and their resolutions. This will also include Template History, Documentation List, Contents of the template index, Requirement Test Matrix, and Installation Requirements.
  • Compliance: Ensure the template complies with relevant standards, guidelines, or regulations applicable to its use case.

By following these steps and practices, SciCord will  develop effective software templates that save time, promote consistency, and improve the overall quality of software development within your organization or community.

Implementation and Training

Implementing software templates involves developing the actual content of the template itself and providing comprehensive documentation to guide users on its usage and customization. SciCord will be able to handle all your needs for all required documents as well as training your team.



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What Our
Users Say

Don’t take our word for it.
We exceed our client’s demands everyday to make their research and discovery process simpler and more efficient.

This is by far the best value in science software (or anything else in science, really) that we’ve ever experienced. Other solutions in this price range had a fraction of the features, and those with the features cost 3x – 10x more. We’re very happy customers.

Josh Guyer,
Senior Pharmaceutical Scientist


SciCord and Software Security

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SciCord’s Commitment to Exceptional Customer Care

SciCord’s Commitment to Exceptional Customer Care

White-Glove Customer Service: The SciCord Commitment

In the bustling world of laboratory information management, where precision and reliability are paramount, SciCord stands out not just for its cutting-edge solutions but for its unwavering dedication to exceptional customer service. As a small company with approximately 20 employees, we pride ourselves on offering what we like to call ‘white-glove’ customer service. This personalized, meticulous approach to customer care is one of the cornerstone reasons why potential customers should choose SciCord for their laboratory management needs.

The Essence of White-Glove Service

White-glove service is a term that evokes images of careful, detailed, and above-and-beyond service. At SciCord, this means more than just addressing issues as they arise; it involves anticipating customer needs, offering tailored solutions, and providing continuous support throughout our partnership. Our customers are not just numbers or accounts; they are partners in innovation, and their success is our mission.

Personalized Onboarding Experience

From the moment a customer decides to implement SciCord’s solutions, they are met with a highly personalized onboarding process. Unlike larger corporations that might offer a one-size-fits-all approach, SciCord dedicates time to understand each client’s unique needs and workflows. Our expert team works closely with your laboratory staff to ensure a seamless transition, minimizing downtime and maximizing efficiency.

We provide comprehensive training sessions tailored to the specific roles within your organization, ensuring that everyone from the lab technicians to the administrative staff is confident and proficient in using our systems. This hands-on training is part of our commitment to setting you up for success from day one.

[After sales support is] consistently excellent.  They respond quickly, investigate thoroughly, and they can explain everything in a way that we can understand and can convey

Ongoing Support and Training

Our commitment to customer service doesn’t end once the system is up and running. SciCord offers continuous support to ensure our customers can leverage the full potential of our solutions. Whether it’s troubleshooting a technical issue, optimizing workflows, or updating the system with the latest features, our team is always available to assist.

We understand that the scientific landscape is ever-evolving, and so are the needs of our customers. Therefore, we provide ongoing training and updates to keep your team informed and your systems running at peak performance. Our proactive approach means that we often identify and address potential issues before they become problems, ensuring that your lab operations remain smooth and efficient.

Dedicated Account Management

At SciCord, every customer is assigned a dedicated account manager. This individual acts as a single point of contact, fully familiar with your laboratory’s specific requirements and challenges. Your account manager is not just a liaison; they are an advocate within SciCord, ensuring that your feedback is heard and that your needs are met promptly.

This dedicated approach allows us to build long-lasting relationships with our customers. We believe in fostering trust and understanding, which is why our account managers are always just a phone call or email away. They regularly check in to ensure everything is running smoothly and to discuss any new needs or improvements that could benefit your operations.

Customized Solutions and Flexibility

One of the hallmarks of SciCord’s white-glove service is our ability to provide customized solutions. We recognize that no two laboratories are the same, and we take pride in offering software that can be tailored to fit the specific requirements of your lab. This flexibility ensures that you are not forced into a rigid framework but instead have a solution that works seamlessly with your existing processes.

Our team collaborates closely with your staff to understand the intricacies of your workflows and suggests modifications or enhancements that can lead to greater efficiency and accuracy. This level of customization is rare in the industry and is a testament to our commitment to providing solutions that truly add value to your operations.

Rapid Response and Problem Resolution

In a laboratory setting, time is of the essence. Downtime can result in lost productivity, delayed projects, and increased costs. At SciCord, we understand the critical nature of your work and offer rapid response times to any issues that may arise. Our support team is highly trained and capable of diagnosing and resolving problems quickly to maintain the continuous, uninterrupted functioning of your laboratory.

My experience with the entire team (US & Europe) has been amazing.  They are just a phone call away.  My work has never suffered because of the lack of the support from their team.

Indu Chowdhary,


In the competitive field of laboratory information management, SciCord’s dedication to white-glove customer service sets us apart. Our personalized approach, from the initial onboarding to ongoing support and customized solutions, ensures that our customers receive the highest level of care and attention. We view our customers as partners and are committed to their success, making SciCord not just a service provider, but a trusted ally in achieving your laboratory’s goals.

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Josh Guyer,
Senior Pharmaceutical Scientist


Overview of ELN & LIMS Interface

Overview of ELN & LIMS Interface

Interfacing ELN and LIMS


This article aims to describe the division of functionality between ELN (Electronic Laboratory Notebook) and LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) and the available interface options.

Why Interface ELN and LIMS

The functionality set represented by ELN and LIMS is desirable for pharmaceutical organizations with projects at or beyond phase III.  Compliance, traceability, sample management, and the sheer volume of data, render paper based documentation inadequate. Hardbound notebooks, Excel workbooks, and file shares are significant compliance risks just waiting to explode at every audit.

The best solution for a company transitioning from paper to an electronic system is to select a hybrid ELN plus LIMS solution.  The ELN and LIMS components in a hybrid solution are integrated by a single vendor and should provide optimum transparent communication.  Most organizations do not implement hybrid solutions for a few reasons:

1) Hybrid solutions combining best of class ELN/LIMS are rare.

2) The desirability of deploying both ELN & LIMS is not initially understood.

Typically, when confronted with phase III compliance challenges, organizations choose to deploy a LIMS.  Although excellent at organizing samples and results, LIMS does very little to reduce compliance/data volume issues at the bench.  To address these issues. ELN functionality is required.

Functionality Distribution

A critical decision is how to apportion the functionality between ELN & LIMS.  The criteria for distributing functionality:

  • Group functionality used in a work session within one application to avoid users switching between systems. Switching between applications requires users to change mind sets to navigate different user interfaces.  Complex communication arising from the need to refresh data between the applications can be avoided by grouping tasks.
  • Utilize the best aspects of each solution.

The table below illustrates an optimum distribution of functionality. The allocation attempts to create a contiguous workflow and utilize the strengths of each solution.

In general, administrative/management functions are allocated to LIMS with bench related processes encapsulated in ELN.   An underlying assumption guiding the division of functionality is that ELN will be readily available and active on laboratory benches.  Laboratory functionality has been grouped within ELN to take advantage of the readily available access and to avoid inefficient transitions between applications.  Allocation of functionality which is not self-evident is described in more detail below.

Configuration item definition and management (Methods, Analysis, Measurements) are handled by LIMS although these configuration items are used extensively by both ELN & LIMS.  LIMS is the natural placement for configuration.

Barcode functionality must be present in LIMS to support Sample Management and in ELN for chemicals, solutions, and standards. Implementing in both solutions does increase maintenance overhead.

Work Requests are the definition of the testing or other work to be accomplished on samples and includes visualization of the status of assigned work.  Work generated by stability or external sources is managed by LIMS while work originating internally is defined by ELN.  Interface of Work Requests is the most complex interface task.  The interface requires sharing user/group/site information in addition to sample/analysis/methods.

Chemical Inventory is allocated to ELN because the task is physically executed in laboratories.

Data File Management is provided by ELN unless an Enterprise Content Management solution is deployed for this purpose.

Notebook records, review, and lifecycle are consolidated in ELN.

Asset Management is a shared functionality.  LIMS provides equipment and instrument definitions while ELN records daily check and usage information.  The LIMS portion of Asset Management may be provided by a standalone Metrology application.

Interface Options

The interface options available are dependent on the two applications to be interfaced.  Web Services, database views, file transfer are among the available options.

Web services are utilized to expose the persisted data of an application.   Web Services are interoperable (language independent), provide a standardized protocol, and represent an economical form of communication.  For these reasons, Web Services are by far the best option available and will be the focus of this discussion.

The diagram represents the data objects which must be exposed as a data service from both ELN & LIMS.  Additionally, each system must be configured to consume the exposed data objects.

Data Refresh

Refresh of interfaced data is a critical component of the ELN & LIMS interface.  Polling of the current state of exposed data is required each time an operation in one system requires data from the other.  Polling determines if the data is stale and requires refresh.   The complexity involved in polling and refresh is governed by:

  • Frequency of the consuming operation requiring the exposed data.
  • Variability of the exposed data.

The matrix diagram above identifies projected use and variability for each type of exposed data.  Variability is measured in number of times a table is expected to change per day, where low is several changes each day and high is 10 changes or more each day.

In situations with low variability tables, refresh for each usage by the consuming application is not required.   The consuming application (ELN) can simply poll to determine if a change has occurred and refresh only when necessary.

In situations with high variability, it must be assumed that the data is often stale and requires refresh.  The high variability data defined above is ELN Results, ELN Sample Status, and ELN Work Requests. This data is consumed by LIMS activities such as reports and trending which are less frequent operations.


Interface between ELN and LIMS is often required for business reasons and to obtain best of class functionality.  Division of functionality between ELN & LIMS is critical to avoid complexity and increase usability.  Web services provide the optimum interoperability and standardization necessary for a successful interface.



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Josh Guyer,
Senior Pharmaceutical Scientist


Collaborative Research: SciCord’s Digital Lab Notebook

Transforming Collaborative Research: Introducing SciCord’s Digital Lab Notebook

Streamlining Scientific Collaboration

In today’s rapidly evolving scientific landscape, researchers face growing demands to collaborate and share data across institutions. However, traditional paper-based lab notebooks, essential for scientific record-keeping, can be cumbersome and time-consuming to manage and share. SciCord Informatics offers a digital lab notebook designed to enhance how scientists collaborate and conduct research.

How ELNs improve laboratory collaboration

SciCord’s digital lab notebook provides researchers with a secure and user-friendly platform for capturing, storing, and sharing their research data. The platform is designed to be flexible, accommodating into all types of laboratory workflows and accommodating into existing lab infrastructure. This makes it easy for researchers to transition from paper-based to digital record-keeping, without disrupting their existing processes.

One of the key features of SciCord’s platform is its ability to facilitate collaboration. With SciCord, researchers can easily share their data with colleagues both within and outside of their institutions, enabling them to work together on projects and analyze data in real-time. Additionally, the platform allows for multiple people to access and edit the same notebook simultaneously, eliminating the need for multiple copies and ensuring that all team members have the most up-to-date information. SciCord Informatics also offers advanced tools for data analysis and visualization, enhancing users’ ability to interpret and report their findings efficiently. This includes automated data capture, analysis, and reporting, which streamlines workflows and reduces the likelihood of human error.

Another major advantage of SciCord’s digital lab notebook is its ability to improve data security and compliance. With traditional paper-based lab notebooks, data can be easily lost, stolen, or destroyed. With SciCord, all data is securely stored in the cloud and can be easily backed up and recovered in case of an emergency. Additionally, the platform is compliant with various regulations including FDA 21 CFR Part 11 and GxP, which makes it ideal for use in regulated industries such as pharmaceuticals and medical devices.

SciCord also ensures detailed audit trails, providing transparency and traceability which are critical for audits and compliance with industry regulations. The platform’s standardization ensures consistent documentation practices across the organization, which is important for maintaining quality and compliance.

In addition to collaboration and security, SciCord’s digital lab notebook also improves data management and accessibility. With traditional paper-based lab notebooks, data can be difficult to search, sort, and analyze. With SciCord, researchers can easily search and retrieve their data using keywords, dates, or other parameters. Additionally, the platform allows for data to be exported in a variety of formats, making it easy to integrate with other software and analytical tools.

Additionally, SciCord’s ELN supports integration with various instruments and external systems (e.g. Empower), creating a seamless data ecosystem. This interoperability enhances productivity and ensures that data flows smoothly across different platforms and tools.

SciCord’s digital lab notebook is also designed to be mobile-friendly, allowing researchers to access and update their notebook from anywhere, at any time. This is especially useful for researchers working remotely or in the field, as they can easily capture and share data in real-time.

A step in the right direction for labs

In conclusion, SciCord’s digital lab notebook represents a significant step forward in the way scientists collaborate and conduct research. Its ability to facilitate collaboration, improve data security and compliance, enhance data analysis and visualization, support integration with other systems, and improve data management and accessibility make it an essential tool for any modern laboratory. With SciCord Informatics, researchers can easily capture, store, and share their data, enabling them to work more efficiently and effectively, and ultimately, accelerate the pace of scientific discovery.



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Josh Guyer,
Senior Pharmaceutical Scientist


FDA Compliance within Informatics Platforms

FDA Compliance within Informatics Platforms

Ensuring Compliance: The Crucial Role of FDA Regulations for ELNs and LIMS in the Pharmaceutical Industry

In the rapidly evolving landscape of scientific research and development, Electronic Laboratory Notebooks (ELNs) and Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) have become essential tools. They offer a convenient and efficient way to store, manage, and analyze data, thereby enhancing productivity and accuracy in laboratories. However, in the pharmaceutical industry, the utility of these systems extends beyond mere data management; compliance with regulations set by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is paramount.

I. The Importance of Compliance

The FDA enforces strict regulations to ensure the safety, efficacy, and quality of pharmaceutical products. Compliance with these regulations is critical for several reasons:

1. Ensuring Data Integrity and Traceability:

  • Data Integrity: Accurate and reliable data is the cornerstone of pharmaceutical research and development. Compliance with FDA regulations ensures that data is recorded, processed, and maintained in a manner that preserves its integrity.
  • Traceability: Regulatory compliance mandates detailed audit trails, which are essential for tracking the history of data and ensuring traceability. This is crucial for identifying any deviations and implementing corrective actions.

2. Meeting Regulatory Requirements:

  • 21 CFR Part 11: This FDA regulation outlines the criteria under which electronic records and electronic signatures are considered trustworthy, reliable, and equivalent to paper records. Compliance with 21 CFR Part 11 is mandatory for ELNs and LIMS used in regulated environments.
  • Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP): Adhering to GLP and GMP guidelines ensures that laboratory practices and manufacturing processes meet the required quality standards.

3. Facilitating Regulatory Inspections and Audits:

  • Readiness for Audits: FDA inspections and audits are routine in the pharmaceutical industry. Compliance with regulatory standards ensures that laboratories are always prepared for inspections, thereby reducing the risk of non-compliance penalties.
  • Transparency: Maintaining detailed and accurate records in ELNs and LIMS enhances transparency and facilitates smoother audits.

II. Key Features of Compliant ELNs and LIMS

To meet FDA regulations, ELNs and LIMS must incorporate several key features:

1. Secure Data Storage and Access Control:

  • User Authentication: Robust user authentication mechanisms are essential to ensure that only authorized personnel can access the system.
  • Access Controls: Role-based access controls help in defining user permissions, ensuring that data access is restricted based on the user’s role and responsibilities.

2. Audit Trails:

  • Detailed Logs: Comprehensive audit trails that record all data entries, modifications, and deletions are critical. These logs must be immutable and easily retrievable for audit purposes.
  • Time Stamps: Accurate time stamps are necessary for all electronic records to ensure traceability and accountability.

3. Electronic Signatures:

  • Compliance with 21 CFR Part 11: Electronic signatures must be implemented in accordance with FDA guidelines, ensuring that they are as reliable and trustworthy as handwritten signatures.
  • Signature Records: Systems must maintain records of electronic signatures, including the name of the signer, the date and time of the signature, and the purpose of the signature.

4. Data Encryption and Backup:

  • Encryption: Sensitive data must be encrypted both in transit and at rest to protect against unauthorized access and data breaches.
  • Regular Backups: Regular data backups are essential to prevent data loss and ensure data recovery in case of system failures.

5. Validation and Verification:

  • System Validation: ELNs and LIMS must undergo rigorous validation to demonstrate that they function correctly and meet all regulatory requirements.
  • Regular Reviews: Continuous monitoring and regular reviews of the systems are necessary to ensure ongoing compliance.

III. The Path Forward

As the pharmaceutical industry continues to embrace digital transformation, the adoption of ELNs and LIMS will only increase. However, with this technological advancement comes the responsibility of ensuring that these systems comply with FDA regulations. By doing so, laboratories can not only enhance their efficiency and productivity but also safeguard the integrity and reliability of their data.

IV. Conclusion

Compliance with FDA regulations is not just a legal requirement but a fundamental aspect of maintaining high standards in pharmaceutical research and manufacturing. ELNs and LIMS that meet these regulatory standards provide a robust framework for data management, ensuring data integrity, traceability, and security. As such, they are indispensable tools for any pharmaceutical laboratory committed to achieving excellence in their scientific endeavors. By prioritizing compliance, laboratories can confidently navigate the complexities of the pharmaceutical industry and contribute to the development of safe and effective medical products.



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This is by far the best value in science software (or anything else in science, really) that we’ve ever experienced. Other solutions in this price range had a fraction of the features, and those with the features cost 3x – 10x more. We’re very happy customers.

Josh Guyer,
Senior Pharmaceutical Scientist


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