
Synthetic Chemistry

Simplify your Synthetic Chemistry processes with the SciCord Synthetic Chemistry solution. Streamline experiments, eliminate challenges with documentation, and enhance precision. Seamlessly integrate your workflow, simplify tasks, and collaborate efficiently. Elevate your Synthetic Chemistry with robust data management and accessible records.

Balancing Lab Efficiency with IT and Compliance Requirements

Are you grappling with the complexities of documenting your synthetic experiments? Do you find yourself spending excessive time managing data across various systems and struggling to maintain clear records? Are data accuracy, collaboration, and regulatory compliance challenges you face on a regular basis?

Discover a simpler and more efficient way to handle your synthetic chemistry experiments. The SciCord Synthetic Chemistry solution centralizes data management, streamlines documentation, and enhances collaboration. Seamlessly integrate your synthetic chemistry workflow to ensure precision, efficiency, and data traceability

Efficient Experiment Retrieval

Annotate experiments with attributes like project, route, and target, allowing for easy search and retrieval of previous work across the organization. Enhance productivity by quickly accessing relevant experiment details.

Comprehensive Documentation

Record experiment purposes and reactions with text descriptions or image insertions. Record experiment procedures and track measurements and observations in real-time. Enable witness signatures for each step to ensure procedural accuracy and adherence.

Streamlined Materials Management

Simplify materials referencing and management by effortlessly linking to inventory items. Automatically populate essential data like physical characteristics and safety information. Access the original material documents for in-depth traceability.

Customizable Workflows

Tailor materials tables to your organization’s specific workflow needs, promoting flexibility and adaptability in your synthetic chemistry processes.

Data Retrieval and Reporting

Searching for specific information within electronic records is faster and more efficient than manually searching through paper documents. This can be especially valuable during regulatory audits and inspections.

Holistic Sample Management

Define and label in-process samples, including required analyses, within the context of your experiment. Monitor test status and results seamlessly, improving data traceability and analysis.

Time and Consistency Savings

Clone and modify previous work, optimizing efficiency and maintaining consistency in your synthetic chemistry processes.

Error Reduction

Use of automated/validated processes eliminates or reduces potential human error and increases the accuracy of the results.

Experiment Definitions

Experiment Annotation: Easily annotate your experiment with attributes like project, route, and target, making your experiments searchable across all documents for efficient retrieval.

Purpose and Reaction Recording: Record the experiment’s purpose and reaction details using text descriptions or image insertions, ensuring comprehensive documentation.

Resource References

Materials Reference: Streamline materials management by referencing items in inventory with a single click. Automatically populate critical information such as physical characteristics, safety, and hazard data.

Seamless Material Access: Access original solution or standard preparation documents used for materials when clicking on references, enhancing traceability.

Experimental Procedures

Procedure Recording: Document experiment procedures and note measurements or observations as the experiment progresses. Facilitate collaboration by enabling witness signatures for each step.

Efficient Workflow Replication: Clone previous work, modify it to suit your current needs, and execute experiments efficiently, ensuring consistency in your synthetic chemistry processes.


Customizable Materials Table: Define ingredient amounts and expected products with flexible materials tables adaptable to your organization’s workflow.

Sample Management

In-Process Sample Management: Define and label in-process samples, specifying required analyses. Easily monitor in-process test status and results within the context of your experiment.

Test Results

Centralized Results: As analyses are completed, their results can be seamlessly imported back into the Formulations template, providing a comprehensive overview of sample testing across all documents.


Reach out to Schedule a Meeting and get more information about how SciCord can fit into your lab

What Our
Users Say

Don’t take our word for it.
We exceed our client’s demands everyday to make their research and discovery process simpler and more efficient.

This is by far the best value in science software (or anything else in science, really) that we’ve ever experienced. Other solutions in this price range had a fraction of the features, and those with the features cost 3x – 10x more. We’re very happy customers.

Josh Guyer,
Senior Pharmaceutical Scientist

Trusted by Organizations of All Sizes


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